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Main information for international students

Welcome to the Dental Sciences MSc Program!

Our mission is to qualify MSc professionals to work as professors and researchers in universities, in a critical, innovative and socialy committed way, to improve healthcare, to promote health and social wellbeing.

The Dental Sciences MSc Program is certified by the Ministry of Education in Brazil. It is offered to students with a DDS degree or equivalent who aim to initiate an academic career at Universities and Research institutes. The Program requires full time dedication from the student to develop his/her research studies, to work on a dissertation project and to attend courses offered within the Program curriculum. Candidates interested in the Program may submit an application in the annual selection process.

Researches developed within the Program are linked to one of the following themes: 1) Epidemiology, oral health promotion and dental education; 2) Oral diseases etiopathogenesis; 3) Diagnostic and therapeutic methods in dentistry.

Should you need more information on the Program, please contact us: pos.cienciasodontologicas [at] ufes.br - mestradoufesodonto [at] gmail.com


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Av. Marechal Campos, 1468 - Bonfim, Vitória - ES | CEP 29047-105

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